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Correctional Institutions Tour in Mat North & South

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque corrupti quos.
Deputy Min of Justice Hon. Mazungunye, Perm Sec Mrs V Nyemba & CS Dir Mrs Majonga are accompanied by CG Chihobvu on a tour of Correctional Institutions in Mat North & South,Bulawayo Metropolitan to appraise the prevailing conditions of correctional facilities in the areas. Speaking during the Beitbridge Prison tour , Permanent Secretary V Nyemba registered her heartfelt gratitude for the correctional officers’ unwavering commitment to upholding the constitutional mandate.
The Deputy Minister Hon Mazungunye conveyed the government’s gratitude for ZPCS’s vital role in pursuing justice. He further recognised that it is the Ministry’s duty to guarantee that justice is carried out across the nation, and he emphasised the critical role ZPCS plays in accomplishing this objective.
The ZPCS’s rehabilitation programmes were further commended by the Deputy Minister, who also underlined the value of the relationship that exists between correctional officers and prisoners.
The difficulties Beitbridge Prison faces, notably the problem of overcrowding and the requirement to address human capital concerns, were also acknowledged by Hon Mazungunye.
The delegation toured the newly constructed staff houses, observed pig and goat rearing projects, witnessed the implementation of a bus washing project at the correctional facility as well as visited Court Cells.

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